Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Weekend

Tonight, after class gets out, I am driving four hours to my hometown. On Saturday we are going dress shopping for my bridesmaids and getting my dress fitted. Saturday is my Bridal Shower. We had to do the bridal shower super early so all of the old ladies could still come and not have to drive in the snow. This all seems so weird to me. Like I can't believe it's really happening. Wow. My mind is boggled trying to figure out how this even happened. Like just the other day I was graduating high school and now I'm in my third year of college and getting married!! Yikes! Well anyways it's all pretty exciting and I'm super stoked to go home. I hope you all have a perfectly grand weekend here in dreary Lewiston. I'm going home to be surrounded by my magnificent Cuddy Mountains in my cozy little valley. :) See ya!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Today my brother came to visit. Actually, he came to take a tour of U of I. He's only a sophomore, but I suppose that's about the time they're telling kids to start looking at schools now. Anyways, we went out to lunch and there was a girl sitting across from us who got up to go to the bathroom. She was wearing a skort. My brother sighed and went back to his food. I asked "what was that about?" "She was wearing a skort... I don't understand skorts," he said looking very perplexed. "What don't you understand?" I asked. Then he replied, as serious as can be, "Well, it's a skirt in the front and shorts in the back.... it's like a mullet for you butt." I laughed so hard I think I might have died for a few seconds from lack of oxygen.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


When I was younger, I always held hands with my boyfriend with our fingers interlocked. That's how all the young people held hands. When I saw a young couple holding hands with their hands only cupped around one another's, I thought "How weird, that's how old people hold hands." The other day I was walking with Tyler, and I noticed that our fingers weren't interlocked!!!! When did this happen?! What does it mean?? I instantly switched and twined my fingers in with his and I HATED it! If I wanted to get away to go look at something I had to untangle my sweaty hand from his and it was incredibly uncomfortable and inconvenient. This must have happened awhile ago. I don't know the exact moment, but it has happened. *Sigh* I'm getting older every day. This is the way life goes of course, we can't get younger every day. But every once in awhile life has to smack you in the face to remind you that life is happening. Right now. Now, I wouldn't say this was a smack exactly, more of a pinch maybe. Still, it did the trick. At the moment I'm trying to take life a little less seriously and enjoy it. It is difficult with all this homework.. but I'm trying. Anyways this was my epiphany for the week. Glad I could share it with you :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Maybe? Maybe not.

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo. I need to decide soon because if I do, I want to do it before the wedding which is in like three months. I'm thinking one on my foot.... I dunno. It's just something I've been thinking about. Maybe something with my favorite bible verse, which is John 16:33. Maybe you should all give me ideas or opinions (if you can even get a comment to go through). I want something small and on the side of my foot that I can hide wearing flats. I'm kinda freaked out to do permanent things to my body because when I was 18, I got my bellybutton pierced. I took it out a year ago and it's STILL not all the way closed up. Anyways, this has been on my mind today and I thought HEY! I should blog about this, because I'm still not blogging every day like I'm supposed to. *sigh*. It will get easier, I'm sure. So hey, give me opinions if you can :).

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I'm still sucking at writing everyday. But at least I know I'm sucking right? No, I don't think that makes it any better. I just need to do better. *sigh* Well anyways. It's Thursday. Thursday is my Friday and today was definitely a friday sort of day. I had no motivation and no energy. I have one class left and I haven't finished the homework for it. I'm procrastinating that of course. On a happier note, my dad and brother are coming up tomorrow to watch the U of I game on Saturday and they are staying with me for awhile. I'm pretty excited because I haven't seen them in over a month. So now I have to go clean my apartment to prepare for their arrival. After that I will frantically finish the homework for my 4:30 class since I will have procrastinated for much too long. Wish me luck!

Monday, September 19, 2011


MY COMPUTER IS ALIVE!!!!! It is fixed and almost good as new. I now have no excuse for not blogging on a daily basis. I do have many things to write about at the moment because for the last week I have been writing them down as I think of them. Right now though, it is off to bed for me. I have a pounding headache and an 8:00 class tomorrow.

p.s. The remaining four fish are still alive... Mr. Frog also. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So I haven't made a blog in a few days. I know I'm supposed to write every day, but most of the time when I'm in bed at midnight is when I remember that I forgot to do it. People who remember things at midnight when they are in bed generally don't get up to fix whatever they forgot. I'm definitely one of those people, so my blog hasn't been getting done. But I will try to do better, I promise.
Today is Tuesday. Tuesday's are awful. I go to school from 8:00 until 3:30 and I work at 5:00 until about 9:30 or 10:00. So by the time I'm out of class, I have to go home, eat dinner, do as much homework as possible in about 45 minutes time, and get ready for work. Then I go to work for a few hours and come home and finish all of my homework. It's completely exhausting. Anyways, that's how my day is going. I sure hope yours is better. If not, I feel your pain.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Idea Stealer

At the moment I am trying to design my wedding invitations. I must tell you the somewhat irritating story of how this came to be.
Tyler (my fiance) does this thing where, when I have a really great idea, he doesn't like it. A few months later he will bring up the exact same idea like he just came up with it and say how amazing it is. Hmmm. For example, last year we were talking about names that we liked for our possible future children. I mentioned that I love the name Daniel. Tyler said that he didn't like that name at all. About 6 months later we were having the same conversation and when we reached the part where we were discussing boys names, he said "what about Daniel?" I was like, "are you serious? You finally decided that you like it?" Tyler says, "what do you mean? I've always liked that name." The conversation went on, and I finally gave in because, whether it was my idea or his I was getting the name that I liked.
When Tyler and I first started planning our wedding, I suggested using this website to make our invitations. All I have to do is design the invite and pay 26 cents per print out. Super easy, super cheap, and not time consuming at all. Tyler didn't like it, because one of his friends had done the same thing and he didn't want to copy him. So, I went out and bought all of the supplies to make my own invitations which was quite expensive and was going to take a very long time to do. I was talking to Tyler the other day about what he wanted our invitations to look like from the supplies I had bought and he says, "Well, what about doing those invitations online like so-and-so did for their graduation invitations?" The graduation invitations were the same as his friends wedding invitations which were the same as the very first idea I had for making invitations 4 months ago. I didn't even bother arguing. I just returned all of the supplies I bought and am now very easily designing my wedding invitations.
Do you see how this is irritating? I hope so.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Failed productivity.

Today I was extremely organized and wrote a To-Do list on my hand. I had it all figured out, or so I thought. I was going to go straight from class to Jiffy Lube to get my oil changed and then drop my still dead computer off to get a diagnosis from the computer doctor. Then I was going to go buy my roommate a birthday present because her birthday is tomorrow. This did not work out as planned. I got out of class at 3:30 and ended up having to walk home. By the time I got home it was 3:45 and I remembered that I was starving because I hadn't eaten since 9:00 that morning. By the time I got done eating, my fiance stopped by to get his ferret that has been staying with me for a few days until it's new owner was ready for it. By the time he gathered together all of the ferret things and left I only had 1/2 an hour to get ready for work. I went to work at 5 and didn't get off until 9:00, and then had to go get groceries with my roommate. It is now 11:19 and I didn't get my oil changed, didn't take my computer to get fixed and still haven't bought Chelsea's birthday present.  *sigh*   I hope tomorrow is better. Sorry today's post was a little depressing. You don't have to read it if you don't want too... But if you're reading this, I guess you already did. Sorry.

Monday, September 5, 2011


My computer is dead. dead dead dead. I don't know what the malfunction is, but there definitely is a major malfunction somewhere. So, I haven't been able to post for a few days. Now my wonderful fiance is here and is letting me use his computer so I figured I better get it in while I had the chance.
My fiance, Tyler, is a really great guy. Awhile back he was feeling lonely in his empty fraternity house and he bought himself some fish.. and a frog. Fish are really great companions, really. They are great listeners and they are actually quite entertaining. Anyways, he has these fish and he decided that they needed to come live with me before school started because in fraternities fish tend to die. Tyler said it had something to do with alcohol somehow getting into their water or something.. I dunno. So, now I have fishies to take care of. I agreed to keep the fish if he would clean their tank when it was needed. Tonight, Tyler came over and I mentioned that the fish tank needed cleaning. We got the fish into a bowl and he proceeded to clean the tank. I was watching the process and noticed something was missing. "Babe, don't you have a frog?" I asked. "Yes", he said. We both looked at each other with that "uh-oh" face and started searching for the little frog. After about five minutes of searching I stepped on something wet. I looked up at was getting ready to tell Tyler that I might have turned Mr. Frog's attempted suicide into a homicide when Tyler proclaims, "GOTCHA". He then dumped the frog into the bowl. I looked down and saw that one of the fish had followed frog's example and was now squished into my carpet. "Ummm, how many fish do you have?" I asked. "Five", Tyler says, "Why?" "Because you only have four now", I said as I dumped the flattened fish into the trash can.
So, that was my adventure for the night. I think Tyler's plan to keep his fish alive and away from suffocation by Mr. Jack Daniels himself, was foiled. They might be safer in the booze ruled frat house than in my cozy little apartment.  We will have to wait and see what becomes of the four remaining fishies and Mr. Frog. I'll keep you updated.

Friday, September 2, 2011


So here I am. I'm sitting in my apartment in front of the air conditioner being lazy. I'm wondering what the heck I'm going to write about in my blog today and I'm getting a little worried. I mean, it's only day two and I already have nothing to write about. Oh boy, this is gonna be really bad folks. So, instead of writing I decided to watch some youtube videos. After all, I am a professional procrastinator. Well maybe not professional, but at least Semi-Pro. Anyways, I was watching videos for awhile and suddenly, WHAMO! I know what I'm going to share with you. So there's this video. I discovered it two years ago on a day when I was sitting in my apartment being bored... sounds familiar right? I started watching youtube videos (I was probably procrastinating a homework assignment) and suddenly I came across a video so incredibly funny that I was laughing hysterically with only myself in the room. You know how when you're laughing out loud really hard and you're all by yourself you just feel really lame? Well, I didn't. It's that funny. I've probably watched this video a thousand times in the past two years and I still laugh like a hyena every single time I see it. I'm not talking a snicker or a giggle. I mean a full on, belly hurting, tears flowing laugh. Every. Time. Some people I have showed this to haven't thought it was as funny as I think it is, but those people must have a humour deficiency of some sort. So here I'm going to share with you the funniest video of all time. I hope you enjoy it. Introducing.... GLOZELLE!!

Click the Link --->

Thursday, September 1, 2011

An Adventure.... Maybe.

So. I'm starting this blog for my Writing Instruction class. I have absolutely no idea what I will write about every single day because my life not phenomenally entertaining. I know some people blog about their families, some people blog about baking and some even blog about their hair, but I don't have anything interesting like that. I'm not married and I have no children, I have short hair, and who seriously has the time to bake something new every day? So I suppose I will just write about whatever I feel like writing at the time I sit down to do my ten minutes of blogging every day. Maybe it will be super interesting. Maybe I will find out that I am way more funny than I ever thought I was. Maybe my life is actually super awesome and this blog will be the thing that opens my eyes to all of the wonders of my life as a college student/waitress. Then again maybe I will bore you to tears and I will discover that I was never, ever, ever meant to be a blogger. This could be an adventure.... I guess we'll have to wait and see.