My computer is dead. dead dead dead. I don't know what the malfunction is, but there definitely is a major malfunction somewhere. So, I haven't been able to post for a few days. Now my wonderful fiance is here and is letting me use his computer so I figured I better get it in while I had the chance.
My fiance, Tyler, is a really great guy. Awhile back he was feeling lonely in his empty fraternity house and he bought himself some fish.. and a frog. Fish are really great companions, really. They are great listeners and they are actually quite entertaining. Anyways, he has these fish and he decided that they needed to come live with me before school started because in fraternities fish tend to die. Tyler said it had something to do with alcohol somehow getting into their water or something.. I dunno. So, now I have fishies to take care of. I agreed to keep the fish if he would clean their tank when it was needed. Tonight, Tyler came over and I mentioned that the fish tank needed cleaning. We got the fish into a bowl and he proceeded to clean the tank. I was watching the process and noticed something was missing. "Babe, don't you have a frog?" I asked. "Yes", he said. We both looked at each other with that "uh-oh" face and started searching for the little frog. After about five minutes of searching I stepped on something wet. I looked up at was getting ready to tell Tyler that I might have turned Mr. Frog's attempted suicide into a homicide when Tyler proclaims, "GOTCHA". He then dumped the frog into the bowl. I looked down and saw that one of the fish had followed frog's example and was now squished into my carpet. "Ummm, how many fish do you have?" I asked. "Five", Tyler says, "Why?" "Because you only have four now", I said as I dumped the flattened fish into the trash can.
So, that was my adventure for the night. I think Tyler's plan to keep his fish alive and away from suffocation by Mr. Jack Daniels himself, was foiled. They might be safer in the booze ruled frat house than in my cozy little apartment. We will have to wait and see what becomes of the four remaining fishies and Mr. Frog. I'll keep you updated.
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