Friday, September 2, 2011


So here I am. I'm sitting in my apartment in front of the air conditioner being lazy. I'm wondering what the heck I'm going to write about in my blog today and I'm getting a little worried. I mean, it's only day two and I already have nothing to write about. Oh boy, this is gonna be really bad folks. So, instead of writing I decided to watch some youtube videos. After all, I am a professional procrastinator. Well maybe not professional, but at least Semi-Pro. Anyways, I was watching videos for awhile and suddenly, WHAMO! I know what I'm going to share with you. So there's this video. I discovered it two years ago on a day when I was sitting in my apartment being bored... sounds familiar right? I started watching youtube videos (I was probably procrastinating a homework assignment) and suddenly I came across a video so incredibly funny that I was laughing hysterically with only myself in the room. You know how when you're laughing out loud really hard and you're all by yourself you just feel really lame? Well, I didn't. It's that funny. I've probably watched this video a thousand times in the past two years and I still laugh like a hyena every single time I see it. I'm not talking a snicker or a giggle. I mean a full on, belly hurting, tears flowing laugh. Every. Time. Some people I have showed this to haven't thought it was as funny as I think it is, but those people must have a humour deficiency of some sort. So here I'm going to share with you the funniest video of all time. I hope you enjoy it. Introducing.... GLOZELLE!!

Click the Link --->

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